Victor Torres was once a heroin addict, a drug pusher, and a warlord in one of Brooklyn’s toughest gangs, the Roman Lords. He was miraculously converted and delivered from the bondage of addiction through a ministry similar to New Life For Youth. He graduated from Bible College in California where he met his wife, Carmen.
In 1971, Victor and Carmen Torres were on a national speaking tour with Richmond, Virginia, as their first stop. At the time, they didn't realize that Richmond would become their permanent home and a base for their outreach ministry. Realizing it was God's plan to remain in Richmond, they began reaching out on the streets of Richmond, ministering in front of night clubs and in prisons. The need was apparent, and they started bringing the hurting youth into their own home, allowing them to sleep anywhere they could fit a bed, some even sleeping on the floor. Victor and Carmen were bringing hope and change to broken lives.
They founded New Life For Youth and opened the Men’s Ranch in Beaverdam, Va a beautiful 118 acre farm when the need for help outgrew the humble beginnings of the first home. Later the men’s program was joined by a The Mercy House, home for women in Richmond, VA and Mercy Moms House for single mothers with children and New Life Outreach International Church in Richmond, VA. Victor Torres continues to reach out to the hurting and inspire change in others through his auto-biography, “Son of Evil Street” which has been made into a major motion picture under the title “Victor” which was an official selection in the Heartland Film Festival and was released in theaters in 2017.
In 2018 we re-opened the Ranch as the New Life Christian Retreat Center to continue the legacy of bringing rest, healing and spiritual restoration to people of all walks of life.
A place set apart to quiet your life, recommit to being in a relationship with God, or hear His encouraging, strengthening and comforting words for you.
“Look to the Lord and his strength, seek his face always"
1 Chronicles 16:11
“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you"
John 4:10
“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things"
Colossians 3:2